Read My Text Messages
Read My Text Messages is a free Android app that reads text notifications out loud, which is especially useful when driving.
Read My Text Messages
- Free app for Android phones & Kindles
- Speaks text messages out loud
- Reads all message notifcations
- including : Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp,
- SnapChat, LINE and most Messenger apps
- Bluetooth headset & car stereo compatible
- Headphone compatible when running
- Safe for driving
- Completely free to install

How to Read Text Messages Out Loud
Simply turn on the app and all notifications (text messages, Facebook, WhatsApp etc) will be spoken out loud as they arrive through your headphones, Bluetooth headset, Bluetooth car stereo or phone speakers.
The app is compatible with headphones so if you are running whilst listening to music it will be paused, your message read out through your headphones and then the music will resume playing.
Read My Text Messages is also compatible with Bluetooth headsets and Bluetooth car stereo systems, allowing your text messages to be read out through a car stereo, avoiding distractions as you drive.
Android Text Reader
You will require the free Google Text To Speech engine, most devices have this installed as standard but you can install it manually if required. The TTS engine gives your device the ability to speak outloud.
Read My Text Messages supports all languages which are available for the Text To Speech engine, simply set your chosen language to have your messages read out aloud to you.